How Guided Planet Works


Are you frazzled? Short on time? Never can seem to get anything done? I bet there were times you wish you could offload your todo list to someone else and take back your life. Well... now you can!

Introducing Guided Planet. Guided Planet is a concierge platform that allows you to message for anything you need, all from the convenience of your smartphone. When you want ... Where you want ... What you want!

Our cross platform messaging and payment hub combine intelligent automation with a community of best in class service providers and connected concierges. Our AI Bots learn your preferences over time allowing targeted offers specific to you and special offers you are actually interested in.

Our cutting edge chat bots and our team of concierges search for the best deals for you ... saving you time and money! No more ringing on the phone while it rings out as you are trying to check tickets for a football game. No more trawling through the internet trying to get a good restaurant reservation.

The Future Of Lifestyle Management


We are the future of lifestyle management, offering a multi-channel messaging and payments platform, coupled with a hybrid concierge service using best in class global service providers and Artificial Intelligence, committed to delivering excellence in service.

We are available 24/7, whenever you need us while you’re on-the-go or at home. Explore our services to see how we can help.

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